Monday, April 15, 2013
Incorporating Tutorial Strategies into an Intelligent Assistant
Computer tutors and intelligent software assistants have traditionally been thought of as different kinds of systems. However tutors and assistants share many properties. We have incorporated tutorial strategies into an intelligent assistant based on the COLLAGEN architecture. We are working on an agent, named Triton, which teaches and helps users with the graphical user interface of an air travel planning system. We found that the collaborative model underlying COLLAGEN is an excellent foundation for both an assistant and a tutor, and that both modes of interaction can be implemented in the same system with different parameter settings.
In this paper, we report on our work in progress to incorporate tutorial strategies into an intelligent assistant for an air travel planning application. Our initial findings are (1) that by viewing both tutoring and assisting as collaborative activities, the same set of mechanisms can be used to support both, and (2) that COLLAGEN can be extended and generalized to support both activities. This paper is a case study of how we extended COLLAGEN and used it to build a tutoring/assisting agent called Triton. We will describe some of the differences between tutoring and assisting, and discuss how these differences can be encoded as parameters, in a single system.
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