Monday, April 15, 2013
HA-MC01 V2 Installation Manual
Planning the Alarm Install
Your plan will be the difference between a finished product and a job left for next winter. A few minutes of planning and prepping will yield at least an hour and a half less install time. It's not fun, but it needs to be done! Begin by studying your vehicle specific diagram side by side with your bike alarm installation diagram. Identify which features you plan to use on the alarm, not all features are necessary. (e.g., remote starting)
Preparing the Wiring
Once you identify which items you will install along with the alarm, eliminate the unused wires to prevent clutter. It is common practice to twist the wires of a same plug together then secure them to each other with electrical tape. Do not wrap the entire bundle, as different wires go to different locations. Once you finish wrapping all the harnesses tape them to each other to create one large pigtail containing all of the used wires. This keeps the wires together, secure and free from frays and obstruction. You will now want to identify the locations of the wires which you will connect to on your bike. Take your harness of wires on the alarm which you just organized together, and split it down once more into vehicle locations. Group wires into three different groupings, for example dash, rear, and engine wires, or use your own grouping procedure. Tape these wires together in their bundles to create individual wiring bundles.
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